CTL Holiday Music Program
CTL students gave an exceptional performance at our annual Holiday Music Program on Wednesday, December 7, 2016.
The program began with a choir performance from our 5-8 grade music students followed by a rousing rendition of Ms. Diane Engle's Ye Olde Card Shoppe performance. The audience thoroughly enjoyed a variety of international holiday music as well as some terrific performances from our 5-8 grade drama students! The event culminated with festive pieces by the full student body.
Special thanks goes to our phenomenal music and drama teachers, Diane Engle and Trisha Brandimarte, as well as all teachers and volunteers who assisted with preparation for the evening.
It was wonderful to see all our CTL community gather for sweet treats and holiday well wishes after the show. Congratulations to the Shupe family for winning the amazing Gingerbread House that was made and donated by Reina Bozeman!
Happy Holidays!