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Happy New Year!

Welcome back to an exciting New Year! We loved greeting your children as they returned from the holidays full of energy, excitement, and a thirst for sharing. They greeted each other as family! After much celebrating and sharing of their holiday stories, they got right back into the learning groove. The hallways were quiet again, and the week ran so smoothly. Thank you for returning them to us ready to learn.

January is a month for planning new beginnings. Ms. Phipps opened January in Morning Meeting last week with a focus on celebrations and goal setting. The students chose a word that represented their goals. Those goals will soon be displayed on the CTL grounds in an interesting and exciting way. We will be announcing it in the Wednesday Bulletin when the celebration day arrives to unveil their creation. Ms. Billings opened Morning Meeting today with Only One You by Linda Kranz with a message to comfort and guide our students as they go about exploring the world. She will continue with this theme throughout the week.

We look forward to seeing interested parents at our January informational and idea gathering sessions. We will be hosting the Parent Council English Language Arts Workshop this Wednesday, January 11 from 8:30 to 9:30. On Thursday, January 12, we are hosting a meeting to begin planning for our first CTL Gala in the spring. And looking ahead, the February 1 Parent Council meeting will be devoted to gathering feedback from parents on the future CTL High School. The high school information sessions will continue for interested parents throughout the spring.

Happy New Year!

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