Our Appeal

Students who attend CTL are guided by expert teachers who develop and implement the most innovative, promising practices for teaching across the curriculum. We are committed to recruiting and retaining expert teachers and providing the time, resources, support, and autonomy to continually develop their pedagogical skills in a collaborative, professional learning community.
The definition of an "expert" teacher can be complex and multilayered (Berliner, 2001). We believe that expert teachers are also committed learners. CTL's expert teachers:
hold college degrees and certifications specific to their teaching assignments
engage in ongoing professional development to hone their craft
work with campus coaches who provide continual support
attend professional development sessions every Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 pm
read professional journal articles and books
share teaching experiences through publishing journal articles and books, presenting at conferences, and mentoring teachers who intern at CTL
Our dedicated faculty builds a relevant curriculum based on the diverse needs and interests of each student rather than deliver a pre-packaged program. The high expectations of teachers guarantees a school-wide commitment to student success.
Interested in working with us?
What grade levels does CTL offer?We currently offer PreK through Grade 12.
What are the class sizes?PreK & K: 10 students each Grade 1-2 Multiage: 20 students Grade 3-4 Multiage: 20 students Grade 5-6 Multiage: 20 students Grade 7-8 Multiage: 20 students Grade 9: 20 students Grade 10: 20 students
What are the school hours?7:55 am to 3:15 pm Monday through Thursday 7:55 am to 1:05 pm Friday On Friday afternoons CTL teachers engage in professional development from 1:30 to 3:30.
Do you offer before and after school care?At this time, we do not offer before- or after-school care. ​
Is the school’s physical location changing?At the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, we moved to our permanent home at 10431 Hufsmith Rd., Tomball, TX.
When can I visit the school?Parents are welcomed to attend an open house for a visit or email Dr. Linda Ellis at lellis@centerforteachingandlearning.com to schedule a private tour.
When is the deadline to apply for the 2024-25 school year?We have open enrollment throughout the year until a grade reaches its cap. After the cap is reached, students can still register and be put on a waitlist for the next available spot.
Is there a dress code?CTL students do not wear uniforms. Students' dress and grooming should be neat and appropriate for their age group and school activities. Clothing should be modest in appearance at all times. Hair should be clean and neatly groomed and should not cover the eyes or be colored or styled in any way that is distracting to the learning environment. Students receive a CTL t-shirt to wear on Fridays, on field trips and for other special events. Students bring indoor footwear to change into prior to entering their classrooms and must wear athletic shoes during all physical education activities.
Do you provide meals?Meals are not provided at this time. Students bring their own packed lunch and snacks Monday through Thursday. On Fridays CTL provides students with the option to purchase a lunch from a local restaurant.
Is there school bus service?There is no school bus service provided at this time.
Do you accept students with special needs?CTL is a small, non-profit school without the financial resources to provide a special education teacher and separate program for children who may require such services.
What standardized tests will my child take?We currently administer the Stanford 10 once a year in the spring to grades 3-10.
Can a student who isn’t proficient in English still attend CTL?Yes, they can! Non-English speaking students will receive support to fully participate in class and engage with the content of their courses. We do not offer separate English as a Second Language classes but every effort will be made to help the student gain grade level English proficiency.
What languages can my child learn?We currently offer Spanish instruction during the school day, Monday through Thursday, for Grades PreK, K, 1-2 and Grade 9 with plans to expand to other grades in the future.
What extra curricular activities are offered?CTL offers a variety of after-school activities that vary by age and student interest including American Robotics, Soccer, Yoga, Tennis, Golf, Martial Arts, Drama Kids, Nutty Scientist, Play It Right Music School, and Young Rembrandts. On Fridays K-8 students participate in a club of their choice during the school day including drama, paper airplanes, construction (legos, etc.), art, nature, cooking, coding, and yearbook.
When are the school holidays?Please see the school calendar for details on school holiday schedule.